Mediation: An Effective Dispute Resolution Method in Turkey

Mediation has become a prominent method for resolving disputes in Turkey, offering an alternative to traditional litigation. This structured process involves a neutral third party, the mediator, who facilitates communication between conflicting parties to help them reach a mutually acceptable solution. Here’s an in-depth look at mediation in Turkey, its benefits, and its application across various legal issues.

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary, confidential, and structured negotiation process where a neutral facilitator, the mediator, helps parties in a dispute to reach a resolution themselves. Unlike a judge or arbitrator, the mediator does not impose a decision but assists the parties in exploring options, understanding each other’s perspectives, and working towards a mutually beneficial agreement.

Why Use Mediation?

Mediation offers several advantages over traditional litigation:

  • Cost-effective: It is generally less expensive than going to court.

  • Time-saving: It can resolve disputes faster than litigation, which may take months or years.

  • Confidentiality: Discussions during mediation are confidential, unlike public court proceedings.

  • Preserves Relationships: Mediation can help maintain relationships between parties, crucial in family disputes and business conflicts.

  • Increased Control: Parties have more control over the outcome compared to a judge’s ruling in court.

Areas of Mediation

Mediation can be applied to a wide range of legal issues in Turkey:

  • Family Mediation: While not mandatory in divorce cases, parties can choose mediation to resolve disputes related to divorce settlements, child custody, visitation rights, and division of assets.

  • Civil Law: Used in contract disputes, property disagreements, debt collection, and neighborly conflicts.

  • Commercial Law: Applied in partnership disputes, shareholder disagreements, and breach of contract claims.

  • Labor Law: Useful in workplace conflicts, unfair dismissal cases, and severance packages.

  • Consumer Law: Addresses issues with defective products, misleading advertising, and disputes with service providers.

What Does Mediation Aim to Achieve?

The primary goal of mediation is to facilitate a win-win situation for both parties involved in a dispute. It aims to:

  • Improve communication and understanding between the parties.

  • Identify underlying interests and concerns.

  • Explore creative solutions for a mutually beneficial outcome.

  • Reach a written agreement that is enforceable in court.

When is Mediation Appropriate?

Mediation is suitable for many legal disputes, particularly when:

  • Both parties are willing to negotiate and compromise.

  • There’s an open line of communication, or a mediator can help establish one.

  • The dispute involves emotional issues that a court judgment might not address effectively.

  • Parties are interested in preserving a relationship, such as in family or business disputes.

When is Mediation Inappropriate?

Mediation might not be suitable in every situation, such as:

  • Unequal Power Dynamics: If one party has a significant power advantage, mediation might not be fair or effective.

  • Domestic Violence: Not appropriate in situations involving domestic violence or abuse.

  • Lack of Willingness to Negotiate: If one or both parties are unwilling to compromise, mediation is unlikely to be successful.

  • Complex Legal Issues: Disputes with intricate legal issues might be better suited for traditional litigation with legal representation.

How is Mediation Elected?

In Turkey, mediation can be initiated in several ways:

  • Voluntary Agreement: Both parties can voluntarily agree to enter mediation.

  • Court-Ordered Mediation: Courts may order parties to attend mediation before proceeding with litigation.

  • Contractual Clauses: Some contracts mandate mediation for any disputes arising from the agreement.

Who’s Involved in Mediation?

The mediation process involves:

  • The Parties: The individuals or entities in conflict seeking resolution.

  • The Mediator: A neutral third party trained in facilitation and conflict resolution.

  • Lawyers (Optional): Parties can involve their lawyers to provide legal advice and ensure a fair agreement.

What Happens in a Mediation Session?

A typical mediation session includes:

  • Individual Meetings: The mediator may hold separate meetings with each party.

  • Joint Discussions: Facilitated discussions where both parties express their views.

  • Brainstorming Solutions: Exploring creative solutions to address underlying needs.

  • Negotiation and Compromise: Facilitated negotiation to reach a settlement.

  • Reaching an Agreement: Drafting a written agreement outlining the terms of the settlement.

How Will Mediators Be Selected?

Mediators in Turkey can be selected through various channels:

  • Ministry of Justice ADB Centers: A directory of qualified mediators.

  • Bar Associations: Lists of mediation lawyers.

  • Private Mediation Institutions: Organizations offering mediator selection services.

When choosing a mediator, consider their experience, expertise in the specific area of law relevant to your dispute, and communication style.

Preparing for Mediation

To ensure a successful mediation session:

  • Gather relevant documents and information related to your dispute.

  • Clearly define your desired outcome.

  • Consider potential solutions you’d be willing to accept.

  • Maintain an open mind and be prepared to listen to the other party’s perspective.

  • Consider legal advice from a lawyer specializing in your area of dispute.

What Ends a Mediation Session?

A mediation session can end in several ways:

  • Reaching an Agreement: A mutually agreeable settlement is achieved.

  • Impasse: No agreement is reached, and parties may choose to pursue litigation.

  • Withdrawal: Either party can withdraw from mediation at any point.

Mediation Support in Turkey

The Turkish government actively promotes mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method. The Ministry of Justice provides resources and training for mediators, and many courts encourage parties to consider mediation before litigation.


Mediation is a valuable tool for resolving disputes in Turkey. It offers a faster, more cost-effective, and confidential alternative to traditional litigation. For further guidance on mediation in Turkey and to explore if it’s the right approach for your specific situation, contact Arden&Co’s lawyers. Our team of experienced legal professionals can advise you on your options and help you navigate the mediation process effectively.